Signal Processing Library Technical Support and Feedback
Visit the Intel Software Performance Products support web site for complete support information.
Check out the Intel performance libraries FAQs.
To provide feedback or report problems with this web site, select "feedback" at the top of
this web page.
To provide feedback or report problems with installation or usage of the Signal Processing Library,
contact one of the following:
The VTune CD Newsgroup |
The VTune CD newsgroup provides an open forum for you to discuss and exchange ideas, problems,
tips, and techniques with experienced library users and technical support personnel. If you need clarification
on a particular library concept or feature, have a problem getting a particular option to work, or have a bug to report,
post your request or problem to the VTune CD newsgroup. Messages that are not answered by other experienced library
users will be responded to by Intel library technical support personnel within two business days.
Visit the VTune CD newsgroup web site today.
Use the following form to ask questions, make suggestions and report